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True stories

With the help of divination by the Tarot, you can soften the blows of fate. Warning, sets people on appropriate behavior. What is this if not a moment of conscious overcoming of karma, if not the lesson we any voluntarily and not under duress of fate.

New housing

Customer questions:

The client came to me in 2008. Lives in a small apartment with roommate, adult daughter and son-student. No prospects for improving the housing problem does not see much because of it going through. We looked at how the housing problem would be formed for The clients for the next 10 years, ie until 2018. In the course of divination were given advice on what and how you can do in this situation.

My answer:

The client is ready to act, but thought it would be a hopeless case and the result is disappointing, it is stopped. I see that today officials have already made a proposal regarding the fate of the house in which the family resides client. The final document on this subject will be issued in May and August 2010. Although it is conceived immediately after the signing can not be arranged. Client the next 1.5-2 years will feel hostage to the circumstances, a victim of the situation. A few years later she and members of her family decides to change to a more suitable housing option. The family will be the completion of (most likely, will give birth to a daughter).

The clients Tip:
It is not necessary to reassure himself: "They say that more changes will not soon." We must admit that the other housing your family need right now, and after the granddaughter, will become even more necessary. Rate should not be on the secondary housing, and a new, despite the difficult financial situation. Even now to start saving money. The amount required to improve housing will.

The results na2014 year:
Over the years there have been changes in family Client: her daughter married a soldier, gave birth to a little son. In 2010, a document was signed, recognizing the house, where the apartment client, dilapidated. The house was demolished, and the family V2012g The clients provide spacious two-bedroom apartment in a new building. At the same time had to pay 600.000rub., To get an apartment with more footage than the previous (husband of the daughter arrange a mortgage).

If Your life nothing changes, then You're not changing yourself. If everything in life appears to be stuck on the word "bad", then it is bad there is in You the most.