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The cause of death of Yuri Longo
I think that frequent errors in the alignment point to carelessness or excessive tension soothsayers. If the error still occurs, it is necessary to pay attention to it. No time or desire to do right now - wrote in his diary of divination, do not forget to specify the date and time of the hand. If the error falls Minor Arcana, then the situation has not gone too far. But a roll of the Major Arcana or frequent loss of the same card, you should carefully understand the reasons. I have the most interesting scenario when the error was the cause of death of Yuri Longo. Remember how the media trumpeted the damage allegedly sent against him. Made in the alignment of three cards, decided to specify a combination of the book Faith Sklyarova "Complete Encyclopedia combinations Arcana of the Tarot," read "heart attack, bleeding in the brain," then translating look at the map, and there are quite different, as if someone replaced the while leafing through a book .
There are people who reviewed - learned a lesson even from the theory. There are people who looked at the mistakes others have made conclusions. There are people who need his forehead against the wall, otherwise the lesson will not be retrieved.