In this section you will find interesting books and articles, including those written by me.
Is it easy to live with this for nothing
Is it easy for me to live, having prescient? And it depends on how you use that gift. And the choice is always with me. Calculate whether the Tarot cards every step, every decision, every contact with other people, each spoken word, spending their time, their strength? Of course not. Otherwise, I will just sit at the table fortunetelling, and real life - past me. Real life - this is where joy and sorrow, where love and betrayal, tears and laughter, friendship and betrayal, good and evil. Black and white, and many, many other colors, shades and all worldly hash. If I never make mistakes always came true and correct? No, it is not interesting to me to live like that!
I love life! Even in the darkest moments of her so directly and speak the Universe: "I want to live!" I know, I'm sure a lot of time and life tested - for any most sorrowful day will come that when once again be the joy of life on earth. A week ago hapnula negativchika. What need a man was in a lie? What are the benefits? And because he knew that I was a professional fortune-teller, I can see everything on the cards. But did not. After all, in any communication most valuable when you can be myself and give the person initially advance trust. Advance payment is not justified. Anya, I know that you read my posts. In general, in spite of your smart tips, chose that option when you need to against the wall of the forehead, in another lesson ejects). In fury came when I realized I was fooled, the energy out of me was torn, and nowhere to go - customers like bran. Like a tiger in a cage in the apartment methane All cases pets remade without passing disturbance. Oh well! Found another application of their forces and abilities. The Many Faces of Gemini, famous for its art of creating illusions, hard to beat in the art of intrigue. Fouled !!! Lawrence of Arabia, Chancellor Metternich, Charles Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord just relax than with me. In this affair I am the chief actor, screenwriter, I in it and I am the director !!! And the ultimate goal - albeit one who fooled me, will go through a similar situation. It would be desirable to experience the same emotions, but can not be too different. Live and frostbite, passion and pedantry, women and men. Today is the final. Girlfriend, after hearing the details, returned a verdict: "Now all the intelligence of the world should want such an agent like you." Everything turned out and it was comforting. And in addition to all the Universe, and so the desired expected results gave me a lovely evening. Near favorite and loved ones. The opening of the new theater season of the original production of "Cyrano de Bergerac", a leisurely stroll through the evening city, late dinner in the new restaurant, presented man of the night bouquet of autumn chrysanthemums. All domestic long sleep. The bedroom semi-darkness, only from the glowing aquarium horny tails waving black mollies, gentle music from the speakers. Here they are moments of happiness. And just as an endorsement of this post, which ends scribbling at five o'clock in the morning, from the speaker is heard: "Feel the taste of life on RadioCafe!». Well? As a coincidence to explain? This is your answer to me, the Universe. I love you! And I will take every day life is sent, accept with joy all the good and all the rest - with understanding. Let these days will be many, many. May I be forever.
There are people who reviewed - learned a lesson even from the theory. There are people who looked at the mistakes others have made conclusions. There are people who need his forehead against the wall, otherwise the lesson will not be retrieved.