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Training for fortune-telling

Tarot complex system of knowledge on all matters scientific and non-traditional. The system is solid and powerful, with his strict ethics in relation to the client.
If You opened this topic, you can be sure that the gift to predict the Tarot card You undoubtedly have. Random people in this section will not fall. Now it depends on You, how deeply You will be able to penetrate into the wisdom of the Tarot and what You will begin to use this knowledge. I give ten lessons online, lasting two hours each. Live interesting training that immediately starts with practical exercises. The cost of one lesson - 3500 rubles. Lessons picked individually for each student, depending on his level of knowledge of the system of the Tarot. This level is often not depends on where and learned a Fortuneteller, and depends on the degree of spiritual development and talent that, despite the fact that it is given by the Universe, it is necessary to develop. We want to share with students the information on particles collected for decades and which is hard to find even on the Internet. Even if You don't want to work on the Tarot professionally, the time spent on training, will not be lost in vain. Maps are a great tool for self-knowledge, discipline the mind and develop thinking. Using the Tarot is possible to simulate any situation, to think, to consider it from different positions. This will protect from haste decisions and their negative consequences.
The system of the Tarot of harm to can't - it knowledge (physics or mathematics), and will put it in good or bad, depends on whose hands it is: «Even the right tool in the wrong hands can cause harm».