In this section you will find interesting books and articles, including those written by me.
Once in a past life ... when I was a witch
I have just returned from another trip to Spain. Was in Andalusia, in the province of Jaen. Three and a half hours to reach by car from Malaga airport. In the mountains, the mountains, the mountains around ... how much can view cover, olive groves. Reminiscent of our vineyards on the Taman Peninsula, but it was too dry land. But only the month of March. What kind of land will be in the middle of summer? But not about this post today. On a previous life. The fact that I do once lived in Spain. I very often in his youth dreamed the same dream ... I'm in a dry basement, old, arched ceiling. The first time I saw in real life such a ceiling in a hotel in Benidorm. On this trip again saw. One to one, as in my dreams. The museum "Olive Oil". No visitor except us with Modesto, at this time in the museum was not. And the guide was not. Go - look, take pictures ... and at this time it is not clear where the black cat (cat? Did not see))))) Why in Spain so few beautiful women? A Holy Spanish Inquisition tried. In the Cathedral of Jaen sell souvenirs - figurines inquisitors. I saw these figures, and it was funny ... funny and sad at the same time I remember them obidiMshis))) And away from Spain ... a few centuries to the Urals ... ... where all the heathen persecution royal Hove. And now the time has come to return. ¡Hola España!
There are people who reviewed - learned a lesson even from the theory. There are people who looked at the mistakes others have made conclusions. There are people who need his forehead against the wall, otherwise the lesson will not be retrieved.